Core has a set of configuration options that can be used to tweak the normal functions of core.
The following settings are configured in web.config using the add element inside the /configuration/imagevault.core/appSettings element.
<add key="key" value="value"/>
After changing a value, you need to restart the core service to apply the changes.
This folder is used for all uploaded media and is scanned by the filewatcher job.
<add key="UploadFolder" value="C:\imagevault\core\myserver\App_Data\Uploads" />
This folder is used for temporary storage for created zip archives prepared for download.
<add key="ZipArchiveFolder" value="C:\imagevault\core\myserver\App_Data\Downloads\" />
If you need to exlude some type of media to be converted using the leadtools converter, you can specify a comma separated list of mime types that you want to exclude. You can specify * as a wildcard at the end of an entry to match all content types starting with that string.
<add key="LeadTools_ExcludeMimeTypes" value="image/gsp,video/*" />
This is rarely used since the Leadtools converter handles this automatically
If you need to force some types of media that normally is not accepted by the leadtools converter, you can specify a comma separated list of mime types that you want to include. You can specify * as a wildcard at the end of an entry to match all content types starting with that string.
<add key="LeadTools_IncludeMimeTypes" value="x-psd/*,application/photoshop" />
This is rarely used since the Leadtools converter handles this automatically
Set this to true to disable the filewatcher job. If the filewatcher job is disabled, no images will be stored after upload.
<add key="FileWatcherJob_Disabled" value="true" />
If you disable the repository cache, no calls to the db will be cached. Only used in test scenarios.
<add key="DisableRepositoryCache" value="true" />
From version 4.4.20, the MediaConversions property of the MediaItem class can contain null entries. The MediaConversions property contains all requested conversions for a media item. The property is filled with all requested formats that the media item can be converted into.
This might be a potential issue for your code if you directly access the MediaConversions list and don't check for null values. The recommended workaround is to modify your code so that you check for null values. If that isn't an option, you can set this configuration option to true.
<add key="ExcludeNullMediaConversionsInMediaQueries" value="true" />
From version 4.5.10 access validation for internal media was moved to the core service. If you for some reason need to disable the access validation for internal media you can set this parameter to true.
<add key="DisableAuthenticationCheckOnInternalMedia" value="true" />
From version 4.5.20 it is possible to configure the timeout of the MediaStreamService. This might be required if timeouts is experienced when downloading large files over slow network connections. Default value is 60000 milliseconds.
<add key="ServiceHostTimeout" value="60000" />
From version 4.5.30 disc access over network paths regarding upload and reading from DiskStorage is cached on the local server to increase speed. As default the shadow copy folder is in the Core users temp folder but you can specify a different local folder here if needed.
<add key="ShadowCopyFolder" value="c:\temp\ivcache" />
If the ShadowCopy function is not desirable, you can turn it of by adding the DisableShadowCopy and set it to true.
<add key="DisableShadowCopy" value="true" />
This key is controlling the maximum number of concurrent conversion tasks. The optimal value is dependent on the amount of memory on the target server.
The default value is 2.
<add key="MaxConversionConcurrency" value="2" />
The DefaultImageCompression setting is controlling the default compression quality, used for all image conversions. This value must be in the range of 0 - 100, where 100 means no compression. If this setting is not configured, the default value is 88.
<add key="DefaultImageCompression" value="90" />