Jernkontoret is an organization for the Swedish steel industry which was founded in 1747. We have an extensive collection with thousands of pictures of drawings, paintings and photographs portraying mining and iron and steel production from the 17th century to today's modern steel industry.
As we were in the process of creating a new website in a new CMS, we decided that our ambition should be to publish all our images for the open public on the web. For the picture collection or public mediabank we had some demands:
- It should be easy to upload images, categorize and enter metadata
- The picture collection should have a good search function and filtering capabilities
- The presentation of the images on the web should able to be tailored
Our web consultant Metamatrix suggested ImageVault as an integrated picture collection in Episerver. Today, about 4500 images are published - and that's just the beginning.
The picture collection is a feature on Jernkontoret's website that allows visitors to search, view and download images from ImageVault. The function is based on an integration of ImageVault and Episerver Find.
Episerver Find's functionality for indexing is used to make metadata from images in ImageVault searchable in the picture collection. By combining ImageVaults API and Episerver Find, the picture collection provides visitors with the ability to search without compromising the website performance.