Norges Fotbollsforbund
Whit the transition to our new site 2016 one of the conditions was that we should be better at managing images. Our CMS solution is Episerver and we searched for something even better then the built in image manager. It was important to us that the editors, with minimal training, easily would be able to use the system. We have about 50 editors where the majority has publishing as sideline. Then simplicity (as for uploading, retrieval, sharing, use and scaling) was important. We looked at several alternatives but finally landed with ImageVault. ImageVault has managed to create a user friendly backend, which is essential for the users and the daily job. Meanwhile, the system is scalable and we have tailored it to our needs. Image management, which for us was formerly a major challenge in everyday life, has now become routine and this is reflected in improved image quality and image diversity for our readers.