It is easy to see the benefits of ImageVault, especially when it can be integrated with the tools we use on a daily basis. For us at the Swedish Geotechnical Institute (SGI), the media archive will help us to assure the quality of images and make the assets easier to find. We get better control of the copyright on the images as the information is located within the system. Knowledge that currently exists in different places and at best is documented. Another benefit that we hope to achieve is reduced image storage on our servers. Today, the existence of copies of the same image exists in several different locations. With a direct connection to our programs, we will hopefully not have small personal archives of assets and also be able to free up storage space on our servers.
With ImageVault we have been enabled to create solutions that makes it easy for editors to work with media files on the website. The API of ImageVault is flexible and easy to work with and we were able to create demanded solutions in a very short time. I perceived ImageVault as completely integrated with Episerver, both for me that develops the website and for those who create content.