ImageVault connect for Adobe
Even if your primary marketing channels most likely is online, you sometimes may have the need to produce a product sheet, brochure or some other print product. Or perhaps you want more detailed control for optimizations, enhancements and adjustments for your photos. For these occasions, it's nice to know that your DAM system also will support this process. With this connection, your entire image library is available directly in supported Adobe software, enabling you to work with images in your documents through the ImageVault panel.

ImageVault panel
Once the extension is installed all your current ImageVault images that you have permission to see will pop up as thumbnails in the ImageVault panel from where you can browse through them. You may use the free text search to find the images you are looking for based on metadata and categories (this will be the metadata and categories you provided the images when uploading them in ImageVault).
Using images from the panel is really simple; hovering over the thumbnail will present you with available options based on the Adobe application you're using, such as opening or placing an image into the document.
More information on how you can buy the ImageVault connection for Adobe

Up and running within 5 minutes
The ImageVault connection to Adobe is really easy to install and configure. You will have your whole media library available in only a couple of minutes. We are supporting the current version and previous major version of Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop for both PC and MAC.

Same user rights
Since the connection is configured with your ImageVault user, the permissions to stored assets will be reflected from ImageVault to the Adobe applications and the search result will only display the images that you have rights to.