ImageVault DAM for SiteVision
Your Content Management System (CMS) is most likely one of your most important channels or touchpoints for communication with your audience. It is probably also a channel where you want to use media like images and videos to create visually interesting and memorable content.

ImageVault DAM for SiteVision allows you to streamline and facilitate the management of all your digital media directly within the SiteVision CMS. ImageVault as a Stand Alone Digital Asset Management system is included and can be used by the rest of your organization and even external stakeholders if invited.

Key benefits with ImageVault DAM for SiteVision
- Reduce time and cost spent on searching for digital media
- Eliminate the requirements on the user concerning working with digital media
- Increase flexibility and your possibilities to work more consistently and use media more prominently online

Features in ImageVault DAM for SiteVision
- Central storage of media assets
- Preview and convert image formats in the solution without limitations
- Edit images – crop/zoom
- Asset information is supplied through categories and metadata
- All information related to the assets is searchable
- Possible to manage several assets at once
- Download assets and upload multiple assets at once
- Strong support for access rights
- Ready-made SiteVision Module to present media items on SiteVision-based websites